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Monday, 24 December 2012

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

All the 12's!

I have a thing with numbers I get excited when the spot i clock at the moment it reads 12.34!
Our first daughter was born at 1.23am
My cousin was born 7-7-77
I like these, I don't know why they please me so but they do so you can imagine how today is 12-12-12!

I thought to mark it I'd pick 12 sites I love and that help this time of year (all year round really) for fabulous treats and gifts so here we go....

molly meg
vivienne westwood
sisters guild
bambino goodies
baby style file
paul et paula
famille summerbelle
donna wilson
roddy and ginger
twenty twenty one

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Friday, 7 December 2012

AdVEnt #7

December 7th, wow seven doodles and 7 days closer!

mr and mrs
copyright 2012 claire paveley

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

AdvENt #4

December 4th

'agnes, dolly & gwen'
copyright 2012 claire paveley

Monday, 3 December 2012

haPPy AdvEnT #3

December 3rd 

rocking the robin tree
copyright claire paveley 2012

Sunday, 2 December 2012

hAppY aDveNT #2

Happy Sunday the 2nd Decembrrrrrr

WooHoo stocking time
copyright claire paveley 2012

Saturday, 1 December 2012

HaPPy aDvenT #1

happy 1st day of december.... here is our own little picture behind door #1

christmas couple...eeekk 
copyright Claire Paveley 2012

Thursday, 29 November 2012

ONE DAY ONLY .... an exclusive shopping opportunity

Children and the festive season are great reasons to celebrate! As we have just recently had the arrival of baby number three and christmas is not long off we wanted to mark these occasions by offering you an exclusive shopping opportunity by giving you all access to our website usually only open to trade (passwords for access below).

All this is only available before 1st December and open to UK shoppers, you have just over 24 hours! SO....Ready, Steady.......SHOP!!

Enjoy, festive wishes and here are the secret words.... Login: wholesale   Password: cuckoo

To avoid any disappointment email your order of requested items to me Claire at info@cloudcuckoodesigns.com I can then put the package ready and confirm the order.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Loving The Performers

As a fan of Famille Summerbelle and the lovely Julie I was not disappointed when I logged on and read the recent post showing the latest collection "The Performers". I also feel very happy as I now feel I've found 'the cushion' for the nursery! Also a mug or two for me!
If you'd like any of these products by Famille Summerbelle pop across to their website (link above) to be treated to a great assortment of products with great shipping prices too.
If you're looking to be a stockist and visiting Maison et Objet go by their stand and get a real treat by viewing the collection for yourself.


Tuesday, 4 September 2012

fabulous prints, great studios, happy designers

These three go together, they're the perfect trio and also exactly what you need when finding good prints for products.
In my many years of designing for small brands, big brands, niche, high street and studios where you're not always in the know as to who the client is and what the end product will be I've always been fortunate to be happy in what I'm doing.
Well with the time of year turning to trade shows again it's a busy time for designers and studios getting together all their prints ready to sell sell sell!
Here are some snippets from studio Cinnamon Joe, they have a jolly diverse portfolio and have taken on fresh talent in the past few months if you like any of these sneak peaks or anything on their website just give them a call, they're happy to chat and lovely too.

copyright 2012 cinnamon joe studio

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Fox love

As a younger man my dad had a pet fox he named him Basil.
Dad has always had a soft spot for these creatures.
I'm sure he'll be loving these Foxes too!

Fox 'Fox'
'Fox' Fox by Udder
Hand Screen Printed Fox in Burnt Orange
Fox cushion at Robin & Mould
Fox Tail and Mask for Children, Halloween  Animal Costume for Kids, Eco Friendly Dress up and Pretend Play Toy for Girls Boys and Toddlers
BHB Kidstyle for this fantastic fox dress up kit

This fox here is simply adorable and I'd love to home her.... thank you Stacey Mead for such delights

Foxes Themed Vintage Retro Style Wedding Invitation
Invitation designed by Gary Williams available from Folksy

Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Well every now and then I like to do a post with a pop of a particular colour, so today inspired by the Olympic metallic medals I've selected some gold, silver and bronze pieces.....I think some DIY may be looming, all I need is a spray can and a sunny day outside to transform some of my household items, sparkle, twinkle, bling here i come.....

DIY: spray oldies goldie.
DIY a chair via Pinterest

Aya metallic gold & natural handprinted organic hemp pillow cover 20x20

S I L V E R Metallic Leather Clutch. Large Make Up Bag. Green Tea Linen with Silver Foil

Natural Leather Bracelet via Etsy.


Friday, 27 July 2012

Farewell Paper Runway

I was saddened to see in my inbox this morning the news that Paper Runway will be no more. Nikee and Maree were sad to announce the news that due to unforeseen circumstances Paper Runway will not be releasing any forthcoming issues. Issue 4 and 5 will be available for purchase until sold out.

For those of you not familiar with Paper Runway it's an independent publication that is designed, made and printed in Australia. It is 'passion for paper' a subject close to my heart. The content is refreshing, unique and inspiring, packed with inspirational images, exciting yet simple DIY projects and beautiful products, reviews and interviews. Here are a few images and a sad bye bye x

celebrate Olympics with ......

some fab finds from Etsy plus one from the new kids home H&M collection we had to sneak in!

Well, helloooo and happy Friday all, and happy Olympic friday too.
To mark the occasion we have handpicked these cheery finds and filled the Olympic rings to delight you, enjoy your day and remember we love to hear from you x

animal plant holder by crazy couture
print by the wonderful Yael Frankel 
pigeon cushion by Colette Bream
light shade by studio snowpuppe 
kiddie bag by new kids at home H&M 

Friday, 13 July 2012

turned to a tea-pot and messyfish......

The morning routine always would include a pot of coffee, it still does just I'm not drinking it at the moment. I've turned to tea and it's usually a bag in a mug kind of approach, this changes through the day as fresh leaves get picked from the herb beds. This mornings find however has made me think I really need to do a pot of tea.....why?
Because check out this knitted gem by Etsy seller MessyFishDotCom
Padovimbro Tea Cosy

Here are more treats by this seller for those who are not big on tea just love a bit of quirky knitting....
Rabbit (Cushion)

And finally if knit doesn't rock your boat these gorgeous prints surely will..

Clown, print on paperBastet, print on paperNice Soup, print on paper

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Sad to say this post again is related to the weather and unlike the blue post where the weather was not getting me now I'm now on the brink of changing my mind. The relentless wet weather seems to be not letting up and even when I look 5-10 days ahead there is the rain cloud symbol on each day. Despite the popularity of clouds in the creative world when it comes to the sky I'd love to blow them away, this is backed up by my two girls too!
Grey however can and is a gorgeous colour, and these fabulous finds back that thought up nicely!

If you like the colour grey check out an earlier post 'grey & happy'

                                                         gorgeous cats by Eszter Dobo

     Ett moln på golvet
 DIY cloud rug

Stool Birch
birch & wool stool from souk shop

Image of Nain à sentiments Masqué
super hero by poetic poesie

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

transformer tuesday #19

Really our time is getting more and more tight especially as mini1 has all day at her pre-school now and we don't have her help come Tuesdays when we are transforming. End of term madness plus new projects I've taken on on top of the already full day(s).

Today however minimini1 was keen to get out the paints and I had a whole load of boxes and such for the recycle bin so what better than pick one of them and add it to the paints, gluppy glue and make an owl or two!

The fun recycled object we saved from the recycle bin was a egg box and here is what we made of it!

Friday, 6 July 2012


I can't resist a post on blue following the yellow post a couple of weeks ago. Our mood is not blue in fact we are quite sunny today (inside) having done some lovely paintings with the girls and just now made a delicious cake for this afternoon's indoor treat.
No, I'm going with blue because of the relentless rain we are getting, today is set for the worst rainfall to date this 'summer' and although it sometimes feels a little draining our roses are very happy and these blue finds are beautiful....

Pascual  Etsy.Frida doll  Etsy.
Caracarmina (Etsy)


Old Bunny and Sailboat Stitched Pillow , via http://www.etsy.com/people/pipipompon/favorites
A needle In The Hay (Etsy)

cloud cuckOO designs
Claire Paveley

Cleo Ferin Mercury
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