well all done now and ready for tomorrow. packed up my big going away rolly travel bag with stock for the market 'frocks & cabbages', it's a marylbone high st, opposite the conran shop so not a bad journey in for me in the morning. Chi Chi from 'casa copenhagen' will be there so a good catch up day and selling day (fingers crosssed). we did the market easter saturday too, but regulars said how quiet it was so we're feeling good about tomorrow.
i'm here again quite late i notice, but don't feel as tired tonight i did a fab 'spring pea soup' even if i do say so myself. loosely based around gordon ramseys recipe and it was so tasty (i'll add the pea soup recipe later)
now that all is packed up i'm ready to tuck myself in with one of the days highlights - the arrival of 'selvedge' i used to always buy it but i got lucky this year as friends organised a subscription. this one is gorgeous, i've had a quick flick and now i can here it calling. will let you know what i find interesting some time soon, but look at the cover..